Starting divorce process. Can I take my kids away from my husband?

  • Thread Starter SoontobeDivorced123
  • Start date


Hello I was looking to get the ball rolling on this. First and most importantly is I have to get away from my husband, hard part is I am the primary care taker for our two boys. Would it be legal for me to move away from my husband with out boys to the next county over? Currently we reside in Palm Spings CA and want to move where I can get a job in Orange County CA. Husband is saying I can't do this and keeps threatening to charge me with kidnapping. What are my rights? I want him to have them half the time, he's not a bad person I just can't live near him and I need a job.
He has every right to the kids as you do.

While the thought that he can get you charged with kidnapping is ridiculous, you will look bad in court if you take them to another county.

You need a lawyer right now.
You need to file for divorce right now.
You need to seek a temporary court ordered custody and visitation right now.

If there is domestic abuse involved there are agencies that can help you.
Do NOT do this without a court involved. As stated it looks bad on you. You might as well start co parenting now so you two need to work this out.