Spouse testimony

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New Member
If there is a case being investigated and a spouse is among a list of possible suspects, can a wife be subpoenad to a grand jury to testify in a court that is looking for enough information to be able to actually press charges? I'm guessing testifying could go either way in that the wife could testify on the husbands behalf as a character witness but I imagine that the purpose of the jury is to find information to be able to actually charge someone with a crime not to clear them.
This would be a State case in Texas.
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I haven't researched this further, but it seems that Texas Rule of Criminal Evidence 504 would give a spouse the privilege not to testify or not to be called as a witness by the state against a spouse with one major exception: in cases in which the accused is charged with a crime committed against a minor child or a person living in the same household except the spouse.

See also my answer here: http://forums.thelaw.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=7769#post7769
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