spouse selling assets without my knowledge/consent

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New Member
My husband is selling our home, car and turning over legal rights to his neice. We are 80+ in age and he has memory issues and I fear he is going to really huyrt us financially. Do I need to divorce him just to stop him from selliing things and at least be able to save half of what we have??
My husband is selling our home, car and turning over legal rights to his neice. We are 80+ in age and he has memory issues and I fear he is going to really huyrt us financially. Do I need to divorce him just to stop him from selliing things and at least be able to save half of what we have??

You needed a LAWYER, like LAST WEEK.
Hire one on MONDAY.

Tell the lawyer what hubby has done (continues to do) and is continuing to do.
You can choose to divorce him, and get half of the wealth you've accumulated during the marriage.

You can seek to prove him mentally incompetent, eventually becoming hose gal guardian. This is my choice, if I were you.

Ask your lawyer about your options to protect and observe your assets.

You can simply take money and stuff, too, giving it to a trusted relative or hiding it in mayonaise jars, then burying them in your backyard.

Hiring a lawyer is your best option, and your assets will quickly be protected. The lawyer can Los sue his greedy, evil niece and attempt to recover some if the stuff she's already obtained.
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