Split Custody

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Ok so here are a few of the facts.

My boyfriend and I live together in a 3 bedroom home. I am 7 months pregnant. He has a good job. I haven't worked since the beginning of my pregnancy because I was very ill. I plan on going back to work after my little girl is born though. My boyfriend has a little boy who just turned 2. My boyfriend pays child support and we get his son every other weekend.

His little boy (Micah) lives with his mother in a 2 bedroom apartment. She just remarried a few months ago and has a 6 months old child with him. He has 2 children ages 3 and 5 from a previous marriage that they keep usually every other weekend. He works and she stays home with the kids.

My boyfriend would like to get split custody. We want to have Micah every other week for the whole week. There are many reasons. They (Micah's mother and stepfather) allow Micah to call him "daddy". It might seem like a petty issue, but that is not his daddy. We have expressed our concern and how we would like them to teach Micah to call him Ryan, but they refuse. She has made comments in front of Micah such as "i know it's miserable over at daddys" if he cries when we pick him up. He loves it with us. As with any child he cries for every now and then when he leaves his mom, but is fine literrally less than a minute of being in the car with us. Chuck (my boyfriend) is an amazing father. He is very involved with Micah. He is either outside with him playing with the dogs, laying on the floor playing with race cars, or taking him to the park. Everytime we pick up Micah he looks horrible. Micah doesn't get a pacifer with us anymore. He hasn't had it in 6 months. She allows him to walk around with it 24/7 thus creating a circle of severly dry, red skin around his mouth. You can see the skin breaking. We have mentioned it to her numerous times that she needs to atleast put Vaseline on him, but her response is always "well i do at night". After staying with us for only 3 days, he goes home with a clear face. I put it on him literally every 30 minutes. It's the small things like that, that warrant us a reason to want to get him more. For Christmas she had Chuck buy gifts for her to give to Micah. They don't have any money. He is just too nice and will do things to help her just so that Micah doesn't have to do without. She has called before asking for extra money because she doesn't have any food for Micah. It is definitely in Micah's best interest to be with us more. His mother has made comments before to Chuck that the reason she won't give split custody is because her and here husband need the child support money (obviously not for Micah, but for their bills). Chuck and I are willing to give her the same amount if we can just have split custody. It's just not right for Micah to not see his daddy more than he does.

Anyways, I know that was very long. I just want to know what we should do to go gain split custody. I've heard it costs alot to do and I didn't know what the best option was. Also, what would we need to have in our favor to gain split custody. Please help!
If your boyfriend wants 50/50 parenting time he needs to ask for it but it is unusual for a child that young to get it. All I can tell you is your boyfriend needs to go to court and ask for it or talk to an attorney. I'll tell you though, nothing you have listed is grounds for it. It is very normal for a child that young to call any father figure "Daddy". Unfortunately unless the child is being abused or neglected at mom's which he appears to not, your boyfriend may have a tough time.

Also all kids cry when they get seperated from a parent. They get attached to whoever they are with. I also don't see what a pacifier has anything to do with this. Many kids are attached to their binkies just like a blanet. The child is so young I don't see the big deal with it. I am just going off of my experience I have 2 kids ages 4 and 9 months.
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