Speed contest... Can I extend the date to appear?

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New Member
I was riding a motorcycle and accelerated from a stop light in the left turn lane (making a left) as I heard a car's engine behind me accelerate as well. Yes, I guess I raced him to the next light - speeds around 65mph. I am not disputing that. What I what like to ask is if I could get an extension on my date to appear?

The reason I ask is because the current date they have me set at is right befoe a trip to Bermuda and I would hate for them to throw the book at me and wind up in jail in stead of Bermuda :(

Is this possible? And what are my chances of jail time compared to fines?

First offense of this magnitude although I have some prior traffic tickets in years before.

Thank you for the input!
Jail time for speeding and racing? That would have to be a very tough judge :)

What you are looking at most probably is a hefty fine, may be a suspension of your license and a steep increase in your insurance rate.

About the continuance, contact the court and find out if they can do it.
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