Son's ex-girlfriend

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They brought a 2008 car together.about 5 months ago,and now the girlfriend has found another son is the primary on the account.she is not able to get the car refinanced in her name even with a co-signer. We have tried to make this easy for everyone but now she is being hateful about the issuse.and not wanting to give up the car.i"m writing because i'm don't want my son's credit messed up for being young.i guess my qustion is how do we get the car back ? And do we have the right to go her job get the car with store manager asstiance.there is only 1 key that starts the car. I've talked to her mother and she seems to understand about getting this over with,but the daughter don't. Help:(
Your son is on title he can go get the car, but so can she if she is on title. If she can't get it refinanced (even with a cosigner) how did she get it bought with one? Is it possible she is not on the title?

Aside from just taking the car you will probably have to sue her in small claims for possession of the car until it is paid off.

This goes back to my trusty saying: never enter into permanent (long term) contracts with short term relationships. Sorry.
If that was my case I would read up on your local small claims court procedures. Every small claims court is different so that why I would suggest to start there. If you can't get any info go to your Clerk of Courts office. They can't give you any legal advice but they can help alot in pointing you in the right direction. You many be able to take her to court and ask for her to either refinance the car with in a set period of time or turn the car back over to your son. One of the things too also consider if she can pay for the car herself. If she can and the only reason why your son wants the car back is because he is in fear of his credit then have him check monthly of payment on the account. I would assume he knows where the car is financed and if it is also in his name he can get access to the account. Have him check every month right around when it is due so that he can be assured the account is in good standing. Don't let the account go past 30 days past due!
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