Copyright song lyrics on merchandise


Dan P

I am wanting to place the first line of a song on a piece of merchandise to sell (for example - "look at them yo yo's" from the song Money for Nothin' by Dire Straits).

My question is threefold:

First, can I use a singular lyric in this manner if I make NO MENTION of the song title and/or artist either on the merchandise itself or on any medium (like a website) promoting the sale of the item?

Second, can I use a singular lyric in this manner if the song title and/or artist IS referenced either on the item itself or on any medium promoting the sale of the item?

Third, does the referencing of the song title and/or the artist make me more likely or less likely to be liable to copyright infringement?

I'm going to ask you to hold for a proper response from our site owner, the lovable, respected, accomplished law professor.

Your question is in his area of legal expertise.

His answers are always worth the wait.