She's commited adultery and wants the children

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New Member
Please help, I've been married 6 months only and we've been together 3.5 - 4 years. The relationship is over but she's asked for 67% of equitity. I have paid for everything all the way through our time together, all she's paid for is food. We moved into our family home Dec 05 and the property before was in my name only. I am unsure as to whether she has a stake in the previous home and seeings she's the one that's cheated and I'm now also loosing my beautiful 2 young children (2.5 and 4) I feel its a liberty that she could get 60 odd %. I got her to go to marriage guidance a month ago but from there in the family home has been emptied, no choice there, and proceedings have been issued. Any advice is welcome, Kind Regards.
Google your state to see if it has no-fault divorce.

If you have no-fault divorce in your state, adultery may not be an issue.

However, you really need to consult with a divorce lawyer in your state.
You have just as many rights to custody as she does. If I were you I would see an attorney about asking for custody, or securing joint custody.

Who's name is the house in?

Stop listening to her threats. You were only married for 6 months, in most cases she is not entitled to any alimony and she probably is only entitled to half of any equity acquired in 6 months. Honestly though after 6 months of marriage all she really is entitled to is child support and that is providing she gets custody.

So stop listening to her, and see an attorney.
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