Separation and false accusations

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New Member
This all started 4 months ago, there was an anonymous call to social services saying i was sexually abusing my 4 year old daughter. Which is totally false. Anyways i was forced to leave the house during the investigation, i moved into my in-laws house during this time, my mother in-law told me that it was my wife that had done it, she had accused her ex husband of sexual abuse of their kids, she had accused her exs girlfriend of the same thing later on, has has accused her step dad a few times of abusing her sexually, she accused a dead uncle of the same thing, she accused some one of rape when she was 15, she accused two males of sexually attacking her when we were apart, and that one went to court, but when she was on the stand she said she couldn't say for sure they were the ones. so the case was dropped, she later told me it was them.

Anyways back to my dilemma, after fighting my thing for four month she has decided she cant take it any more and wants to separate. Before this i did hack into her email account and also a account on plenty of fish, where she had a ad looking for male friends, but it seemed more than that, i signed up under a false name and contacted her. We chatted for quite awhile and i learned a few things, she said i was guilty and that she had placed the initial call to social services. On one occasion while we were chatting apparently i was calling every few minutes and then banging on the door, while i was talking to her??? i kept telling her to call the police knowing i wasn't there, but she said she did, apparently she says to my alias that the police talked to me but they never did. Anyways while chatting we found out my alias had worked with me and knew me. My alias even said he would talk to my boss and tell him what i had done to get me fired, she said not to because it would affect her child support if i was fied, but later i told her i had, and she didn't seem to mind too much.Later my alias told her he couldn't meet with her because of knowing me, thats when my relationship with her went really bad and i couldn't see the kids anymore unless it was supervised by social services. i think she was just mad at me for ruining her relationship with my alias.........LOL. Anyways she has since calmed abit, but still not allowing me to see the kids with out social services being involved.

She tells me she loves me and doesn't want to end the relationship but feels it is best for her and the kids.

my problem is that first of all can i use what i learned from her accounts against her, can i use the chat logs between her and i against her.

I also have something else. Last year we were at a local waterslide and she lost her wedding ring, which was covered under a insurance policy, we had a ring made but she didn't like it, so we sent it back and had it re done, a few weeks ago i found out she got a call from the waterslides and they had found the ring, she wants to keep that ring as well as the replacement when it is finished, which i should have in a week. i have thought of setting her up and calling the insurance company to show what she is capable of or i may just send it back to the insurance company

lots of drama to read here, but i need guidance, scarey part is i do still love her, i just don't like her
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