Separated but pregnant with another man's baby

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All judgement aside... I am separated from my husband of less than a year due to consistent proved physical abuse and due to his unwillingness to be a mature married man. We have been separated for 4 months. I just recently started seeing another man, I just found out I am pregnant with my his (the new man's) baby. I have been told this is adultery even though we already have separated and are going through custodial mediation for our daughter. With that being said, is this true? If so, what does this effect? In the state of Maryland, can this cause me to lose custody of my daughter? I have also been informed he will be considered the father of my boyfriends baby and that the baby will take my husband's last name until otherwise proved. My Husband may be able to take the baby as well as our daughter from me. How is it possible that a man who chose drinking, partying and verbally and physically beating on his wife could take another man's baby as well as a child that has never spent a day away from her mother away.
I left an abusive marriage where my husband is constantly out at the bars or partying instead of being a father and a husband.. I took my daughter away from a dangerous situation because he would be violent after drinking. I met a fantastic MAN. We accidentally conceived a baby. Facts are my husband has numerous police reports against him for domestic violence as well as a CPS case against him for neglect of our daughter. How about the fact that my husband spent $300 at the bar in an 8 hour time span and was caught with his ring off numerous times surrounded by women at the bar. Irony is if I were a man, it would be socially acceptable and men around the globe would be patting me on the back. I guess you enjoy sitting on your high horse and passing judgement like you are holier than thou. Just remember we all sin differently but at the end of the day a sin is a sin. I sinned and God forgive me for doing so but, that doesn't change that I am a loving, fit, stable mother.
Yes, it's adultery, and in MD it can be a factor in determining custody but these days not so often. MD's highest court has determined that adultery alone does not render the parent unfit.

Your husband will be the presumed father of your baby until proven otherwise.
If there is already a custody agreement deeming me primary custodial parent can that change with the birth of the new baby or the new situation? We are currently doing custodial mediation and have an agreement that I am primary custodial parent. I just don't want that to change.
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I truly can't see anything changing with regards to your mutual child. Having said that, it might be worth talking to a local attorney who knows the legal climate in your locale, and how judges tend to rule.
So who made you jump in bed within 4 months of leaving hubby and knocked you up, if you are innocent? Fantastic in bed does not count.
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