Consumer Fraud Selling on Craigslist

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New Member
I was selling a working, but deactivated phone on craigslist. I had a buyer, and we were talking over email, and I hadn't checked my email since the day I sold it (7-26-14). I checked my email this morning (7-28-14) the buyer emailed me twice since I sold it. The first email said it was not working for her, and she wants her money back. The second email said she will be contacting an attorney because it is the buyers right. It is my first time selling on craigslist, and I need help.
Let her contact an attorney, no problem. You're an honest businessperson, right? You did nothing illegal, right?

You're good as gold, right as rain, pure as the freshly fallen snow, more trustworthy than a saint, you're an honest person!
This is not Sears!

DO NOT give her the time of the day and DO NOT think or worry that your first excursion into Craigslist Classified is going to land you in court as a defendant with the buyer as the plaintiff. Talk is cheap and so is she who is trying to offload her buyer's remorse back onto you, and she sounds even cheaper and more clownish for making such asinine, cliche threat of contacting an attorney.

You have done nothing wrong except to sell something in good faith to someone who has changed her mind about the purchase and has also mistaken you for Sears or Walmart.

I have posted on Craigslist's (For Sale) Classified 54 times since 2007 and only on one occasion so far have I encountered a similar scenario when these guys bought a car stereo which they wanted to return for a refund after almost one week. Well, modesty, as well as Forum Rules forbid me from repeating here what I told the Three Musketeers in response, but suffice it to say that they will think long and hard about pulling such a stunt in the future. Everybody and their uncle know that sales on Craigslist are on As-Is basis and therefor of the like-it-or-lump-it variety for the buyer.

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