Seeking guidance with interstate laws

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My son was born in California. I had a verbal agreement with his father, who I never married, for him to provide support and he took the boy every other weekend. When he lost his job and the support stopped in May '07, I continued to allow his visitations as I have no issues with his ability to take care of our boy. In Nov of '07 I had the opportunity to relocate to Arizona. The boy's father agreed this would be best for our son. He has yet to make a payment for support of his son and calls to speak to him about once a month. He always says he is "coming out to AZ" to which I always reply, come on down! He never has. I filed with the state of Arizona to work with the state of California to go after him for child support. I never heard back from that filing (over 3 months ago). I suspect he was served as he is now making demands for the boy to come see him 1 week a month, which is ludicris and certainly NOT in the best intrest of the child! I fear he maybe filing custodial rights in California! I tried doing that in Az but got the run around because the father is in CA! Can anyone please direct me to the office or people I need to speak to to file for custody of my son? If I had it my way, I would rather have his father out of our lives completely as he is controling and verbally abusive!
Any advice would be helpful!!
Thank you for your time!
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