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So ...we fought with the school all year trying to get my son's report cards. My ex, told the school there was no father. Ayways, took me 16 tries, 3 parent teacher conferences that I showed up for ( this year - that doesn't count the other years) just to be told there is no father, we can't talk to you.

To make a long story short - here's what the report card says - 8 classes - all F's and a B in reading. Possible 172 days of school - he missed 15 and was tardy 125 times. What does it take for a Dad to get a shot at educatiing a kid? This is the second time he failed. I tried for custody the first time he failed, but the judge told me I couldn't have custody because I'm a smoker. (even though I don't smoke in the house - have since quit.)

Doesn't the school have to report this, and what can I do? Funds are tight.
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