Assault & Battery School Bully / assault - no action taken

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I'll make this as short & too the point as possible.

The current situation involves 6th grade students.

A police officer's daughter has a tendency to lash out physically at other students. Very early on this year, she punched a kid in the stomach, then kicked him twice while he was on the ground. Her "consequence" was to be moved to a different locker.

Just this week, she has pushed my child on two separate occassions, and kicked her on another. The one push was hard enough that the impact against the locker broke the buckles on my daughter's bag.

One teacher seen at least part of two of these incidents. The same teacher has failed to call me back on an earlier incident where my daughter was pushed down in his class.

The school is not following their own discipline policy, nor their bullying policy. In the case of children of influential people, they have a tendency to look the other way. I experienced this in the past with my son, who I wound up transferring to another district as soon as he could drive.

What can we do to protect our kids from these acts of violence? Does the school have an obligation to follow their published policies?

I can't afford to drive my daughter to another town every day. And this isn't just happening to my child.
Did you file a police report to document the incident? Has the parent of this child been made aware of the anger issues this child has? Also, have you filed a formal complaint with the principal to document the incident not only in the classroom level but also school level? If not, consider doing so. Further, you should elevate this to the school board and notify the members that violence from this particular child is endangering the safety of other students and such behaviour should not be tolerated.
The current situation involves 6th grade students.
In what state??

A police officer's daughter has a tendency to lash out physically at other students. Very early on this year, she punched a kid in the stomach, then kicked him twice while he was on the ground. Her "consequence" was to be moved to a different locker.
Keep in mind that the account you heard may not be the whole truth ... my sons tell me pretty interesting accounts of events that I was present during, so I know how stories can change quickly.

Just this week, she has pushed my child on two separate occassions, and kicked her on another. The one push was hard enough that the impact against the locker broke the buckles on my daughter's bag.
What happened when you brought this to the school administration's attention?

Did you call the police and report it? if not, why not?

The school is not following their own discipline policy, nor their bullying policy.
And what did they say when you pointed out this policy to the principal? Did you also bring it to the attention of the Superintendent?

What can we do to protect our kids from these acts of violence? Does the school have an obligation to follow their published policies?
There are a number of things you can do ... call the school ... see the principal ... see the superintendent ... talk to the school board ... call the police when a crime is committed ... speak to an attorney about a restraining order against the bullying child ... threaten a lawsuit against the school ... transfer your child ... home school your child ...

There are many things you can do, but there is no magic button you can push that will resolve everything. Also keep in mind that there may be another version of events that may not portray your daughter as an entirely innocent victim, so be sure you KNOW the facts before you push too hard or you may find yourself a tad bit surprised later on.

If this bully child is picking on other parents, maybe you all need to take similar actions with the school or district administration.

- Carl
I talked to another parent this weekend.
This "bully" has the school's attention; as I mentioned, her locker was moved after she hit & kicked the one student. The incidents that take place in the halls are captured on tape (but I don't know how long they keep the tapes). The gym teacher happened to witness both incidents that happened to my daughter last week. He told to quit, but nothing else. I have contacted him about different bullying situations and he does not respond ever.
I am waiting for a response from the principal. I do believe he will respond, but from having dealt with him in other circumstances, do not have a lot of faith that the girl will even be talked to.
I think I will "document" this, both the recent and any future, by sending e-mail and copying said e-mail to relevant teacher, as well as principal and superintendent. If that doesn't isn't helpful, I will look into legal resolution.
As far as reporting it to police, that may do more harm than good. I know that sounds bad, but this is a small town and her dad is on of just a handful of officers.
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