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New Member
What are the consequences for harboring a 17 year old habitual runaway whom legally resides with her parents in the state of Washington but has ran to the state of Idaho?
Potential criminal charges for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Possibly more if you brought the kid out of state yourself.
Call local law enforcement and hand the kid over to protect yourself.
The State of Idaho Code 20-516 states: "any juvenile who is out of control, truant from school or running away from their parent/ guardian can be detained by law enforcement. In Idaho, being a juvenile runaway is a status offense and the runaway can be detained by law enforcement and reunited with the parent, turned over to child protection authorities, or adjudicated a delinquent by a juvenile court judge and confined in a state youth facility as directed by the judge."

If the juvenile is a runaway the parent or guardian should contact law enforcement, sign a form attesting to the fact that said juvenile is not where they are directed to be by their parent or guardian.

In Idaho, juveniles (a child under the age of majority, age 18) must comply with all rules and requirements of their parents, especially in being where they are directed to be by their parent.

The next requirement is that all juveniles and adults are not to lie to any law enforcement officer.

In most situations, the person or juvenile that lies to a law enforcement official is criminally charged for providing false information to law enforcement.
It really doesn't, AJ, unless this becomes a federal matter (in which case location doesn't really matter at all - it will be classed as a felony, re the Mann act).

WA has jurisdiction over the runaway at the moment. And WA will communicate with Idaho and likely take over the criminal side of things unless again the Feds are involved.

Remember this is not a case where the minute you step into another state, that state has jurisdiction. I know that this rule of thumb would normally apply but in this case? Nope, it doesn't.
The laws of whatever state the juvenile is currently in apply.
Washington is still relevant to juvenile upon return, but OP needs to worry about Idaho.
I don't think it's entirely clear who the poster is, here. Could be the person the kid has run to, could be the kid, could be the kid's parent.
If the OP is an adult trying to HELP the child, he or she should immediately seek the advice of an Idaho attorney.

If the juvenile is in Idaho, he or she is subject to detention in Idaho.

If the HELPER is a relative, as in noncustodial parent, you really require legal advice in Idaho.

If the OP is the juvenile, contact a local child runaway organization. They can help you get this back in track.
The bottom line is that this is a phenomenally stupid idea.

There are legal problems on ALL sides of this situation. For the runaway, for the person/people harboring the runaway, the whole lot. And I'm not talking about a slap on the wrist, either.
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