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New Member
I was just wondering.....What do you have to do to get papers drawn up for a father to sign his rights over and how much is it? Do you have to go to court?
What makes think either parent believe that Dad can simply sign over his parental rights?

(hint: it ain't that simple)
First of all what makes you or Dad think this is even possible? Unless there is a subsequent adoption, Dad cannot sign over his rights. If he does not want to see the child that is his choice, and if you do not want to file for child support that is up to you, but he cannot terminate his rights. If it were that easy, many more men would want to do it. If you both agree he is not to have any involvement or support, then work it out between the two of you.
Dad can't just sign over his parental rights.

What CAN happen however, is that you become sole custodian of your child. That's essentially already what you are - until he files in court, he has no rights to see the child or anything else.

You're pretty much your child's only parent, until your ex decides to file in court.
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