Responsabilities beyond child support

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New Member
This is the situation:
My husband has a 14yr old daughter who lives w/ her mother in another state (they've never been married). Although, they've never gone to court to stabilish the child support payments, visiting etc my husband always paid child sup. However, yesterday we received an email from the mother asking for increasing and she also attached a chart for child support according to our state and said if he cant decide how much is fair, someone will for him!!!
Well, we found out he is only $89 dollars per month below what he currently pays.
The mother doesnt know how much my husband makes per month, but it sounds like she thinks he makes a lot of money and doesnt want to support his child with other activities and/or insurance, medical bill, braces, glasses, cars and college (according to her email).
Beyond the child support, he takes his daughter to summer vacation every year. The last one was a cruise to Alaska. She has been in Disneyland for several times. Plus, X-Mas and b-day presents.

My questions are:
1-Beyond child support, Is he obligate to pay for insurance, medical bill, braces, glasses etc?
2- After she completes 18 yrs old, Does he have legal obligation to buy her cars and pay for college or any other thing?

Feel free to ask me any further question.
Thank you very much
He doesnt have to pay mom anything without an actual court orer, but mom is free at any time to get him to pay through the courts, according to state guidelines. It is unlikely mom will get college partially paid for but she can ask, nd Dad can dispute it. Its possible he will be ordered to pay medical insurance and glasses and braces are part of it. Some of this will be considered out of pocket so that stuff is generally split between mom and dad. Dad should see an attorney.
I tend to disagree with the advice to see an attorney. You are talking about approximately 1000 more per year for four years. If it goes to court you will spend at least 2500 minimum on an attorney plus he will likely be ordered to pay insurance, etc. plus her attorney fees. I am assuming that paternity was established. He does need to keep records showing how much he has paid in case she tries for back child support at some point in time.

Normally, any legal responsibility he may have will end the earlier of 18 or when she becomes emancipated. Some states do go up to 21.
Hello, No offense but trips to Disney do not give you a nice teeth and the ability to see. I bet that if the mother wasnt paying all the ins, activities, and such she would take her daughter to Disney too. In almost all cases medical expenses due after health ins. are split 50/50. And Ins. is usually provided by the person that pays support. Health insurance is pricey these days and if you could pay $89.00 a month more and about $2400 for braces, that is about half, and half of the price of glasses every year, you should. Braces are only once and glasses are minimal. I promise that is less than what you would spend on health insurance premiums, deductibles, and all of uncovered medical expenses in a year.
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