relocation chances

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My ex is trying to relocate 400 miles away and change my visitation down to 1 wk end a month. I pay my support and make all my visitation dates. I am not a dead beat DAD. Will I be able to sway the Judge in my favor. Thanks WK
PS WE have been divorced 2 years.
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Does your divorce address her moving anywhere with the child?
You can argue that the move is not in the childs best interest. Why is mom moving? she needs to prove it is in the childs best interest. You can state that her moving away will cause you to see her less, miss her school activities, also note any extended family in your current area. You should see an attorney.
She wants to move because she married a man 400 miles away. I have an attorney , just trying to get some input, and see if anyone can give some pointers.We have not been to court yet on this case and my Daughter is registered in school .... so I think we are good for at least half the school year. Thank you WK
Thank you very much , I will do that . As of right now my daughter is enrolled for school at the local school. Thanks again. WK
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