Re: Wanting To Relocate To Colorado

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New Member
I currently live in PA and got a job offer in Colorado and both my ex husband and I have shared custody. My son will be 17 yrs old next month and he does not know if he wants to go with me or not, but his dad said he wants him to stay in PA with him. I do not have alot of time for i would start my new job on May 4th. My son has been kept back twice, once I kept him back in grade school suggest by the school and another time in 8th grade. The school system is alot better in Colorado than in Pa and would be to his benefit.
The father has the right to stop the move and if the 17 yr old does not want to move, he probably will not be required too. There is no guarantee that if your son moves he is going to pass he is at the age where if he wanted to pass his grades he would. dad has a really good chance of being able to keep the chld in state. Honestly at that age it is unfair to expect this kid is going to want to move to a state where he knows nobody and to leave all his friends behind. You will not be able to move without dad's permission and if the child does not want to move, he can tell the courts that.
He said I can move and my son can stay with him full time. I sepearted from him since Dec 02 and legally divorced since may 07, my ex has always controlled me any way he can and he recently got remarried and still tried to control me through our children which are 25, 19 and my younger son almost 17. I got a pretty good job offer in Colorado and being that my children are getting older I would like to take it before i get any older. But also in the long run it is hard to leave my children. My 2 older children are ok with me going and also my younger child who I am questioning. He said he would like to go but his dad will not let him. He needs more stucture in his life than going 1/2 the week with his dad and 1/2 the week with me. Maybe it would be for his benefit to be with his dad, but where does that leave me when I come back to PA to see him or if I want him to come out to Colorado with me for time in the summer?
Can someone please tell me what to do and how much legal problems would I be going through if I relocate.

Just go back to court for a modification of your custody order. The father gets primary, you can ask for visitation during the summer, school breaks, etc. It's pretty standard. You'll have to pay for your son's transportation to CO most likely.
If you leave without the child then you go back to court and ask for visitation during school breaks and the summer.Your first post said you didn't think the child wants to go. If you can get the child to tell the court that he wants to relocate you can do that but the child has a full life back in PA. Dad has the right to fight the move and if you move with the child without dads permission then you risk losing custody all together. If you need this done asap then just leave the child back with dad, you do not have any other option if Dad does not agree. how will the child have more structure in CO with no family or friends there? His father and older siblings are in PA, you are moving him away from everyone. Sorry but I think moving him at this age is a bad idea.
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yes I agree he should stay here after long thinking and my head spinning. So I am going tomororw to the orphans court to do a request to modify custody, but can his dad also fight and I need to come back and I have lost my job in PA and in CO, my ex is a very controlling, selfish person and tells his new wife he hates me and tells the kids he wishes I was dead, but I have put up with him calling me over the years and being so nice to me when she was not around. He always tries to find ways of ruining anything for me. I have been the best mother over the years not always perfect and who is? If it was not for my kids I would have never made it without them. and hate the fact that I am leaving and I am scared to death, but it is for a better job and advancement. Am I a bad mother for leaving my son and only a year away from being 18? Then I think maybe he can get more structure living with my ex and his wife for I cannot always be there for him being single and working full time.
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