racial issues


magic mike

I recently made my job aware of race issues in the work place around me. I am one of only two African americans working in a all white enviorment. There have been racial comments, slurs, and the confederate flag has also been worn to work around me. The company says it plans to look into the matters and want a statement from me. Am i
required by law to give a statement or can my side of the matter end with just making them aware?
I recently made my job aware of race issues in the work place around me. I am one of only two African americans working in a all white enviorment. There have been racial comments, slurs, and the confederate flag has also been worn to work around me. The company says it plans to look into the matters and want a statement from me. Am i
required by law to give a statement or can my side of the matter end with just making them aware?

If you refuse to cooperate with the investigation, the investigation will be aborted.
You need to cooperate with your employer if you want them to look into this. If you cooperate & the racial harassment stops - great. They only need to make it stop - not tell you what action they took. Courts have considered racial harassment as racial discrimination & if it still doesn't stop, you can file a complaint with the EEOC if your employer has 15 or more employees. You can file a complaint with the Idaho Commission on Human Rights if your employer has at least 5 employees. (I assume your employer has at least 5 employees so I will not go into the law where you can sue for racial harassment/discrimination if there is less than 5 employees.) However, first you need to cooperate with your employer.
How are they supposed to look into what happened if you don't tell them what happened? They are not mind readers. You made a very serious allegation and getting it in writing is standard as it is clear to everyone what requires investigation and it doesn't rely to memory or what you think you told them/what they thought they heard.