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I am in college for law enforcement, in my juvenile deliquency class we have to write a paper on juvenile sex offenders. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for info on this?
since for some reason i cant type in a hyperlink, i have to spell it out lol, go to google books .com and type in juvenile sex offenders. There are plenty of online books you can look at that will give you some insight on the behavior, the age it typically starts and so forth. Im also in college for law enforcement and im doing a paper as well for my juvenile delinquency class, only im doing my paper on juvenile drug and substance abuse...hope this helps you out, or at lease gets you started
On sex offender's. What are the grounds to be a sex offender? If you were a young boy and was molested, you also knew your friend was molested by the same guy, so when you get older. You open a porn site to see if he had exploited you and your friend. Is that a sex offender that should be placed on probation for life? Parent's on trial due to the have pictures of their baby naked in the bath tub. They are charged with sexual offender. You mean to tell me we are all sex offenders for having pictures of our babies 1st bath? I got my granddaughter 2 dolls a boy doll and a girl doll, I thought they were the cutest dolls, when i got them I put them up. I showed some people the dolls. The boy was a boy, would I be classified as a sex offender? I hope these few help you with your paper, these issues need to be cleared. My friends are doing life probation for PICTURES>
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