question regarding signing over car and taking name off CC

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New Member
My ex and I were divorced january of this year. In the papers it states that he is the owner of our car and all of the loan to go with it. He is refusing to take my name off of the title. I have tried a number of times to sign my name off of it and he won't pay the fee to send it in and he won't sign the title. i am very broke and payin the fee would be a hard thing for me to do. Plus, usually it is the new owner of a car who pays the fee. What can I do to get him take my name off of the title? Also, I'm wondering how I get my name off of the loan for the car? A lawyer told me it was almost impossible to get my name off because the lender woudl have to refinance and in this tough economic time they are unlikely to do that.
I am also wondering about a credit card that has both our names on it. In the divorce papers it says he is totally responsible for paying of the credit card and it is his to use and abuse how ever he wants to. He is also refusing to get my name off of the credit card. He thinks he is helping my credit by having a card with 5000 dollars on it and almost no revolving credit, so he thinks he is doing me a favor. I'm wondering what steps I can take so my name is no longer on that card. My credit is starting to suffer from the CC and the car loan being on it.
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