Protecting Assets before a Divorce

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New Member
I am concerned for a family member, my brother-in-law, who will most likely be going through a divorce soon. His wife has retained an attorney and has started to move remove small items from their home. She asked him for his work address, and our family feels that separation papers will soon be served. She had a Fidelity Retirement Account which has recently been closed, moving all monies to another location (probably putting everything in a family member's name/friend). She knows that my brother-in-law also has a 401K, which she claims she is entitled to half of. He has not had the time to protect this money. She has not yet served him with any papers, but he feels this could happen within the month. Is there any way he too can protect his 401K from her, as she has already prepared and removed all of her money, preparing for this divorce? We need the quickest solution to protect this money. Our family would sure like to keep him from being taken to the cleaners. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds...much appreciated.
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