Problem with children and their father

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New Member
My es has a history of violence and mental illness. I recently found out he is allowing our children during visits to handle guns and shoot with live ammo. My question is, is this legal and what can I do to protect them if it is not. The state I am in is North Dakota the childrens ages are 3,6,and 8. Thank you
History of violence and mental illness.... has he ever been convicted of a crime or diagnosed with something that would make him ineligible to legally possess firearms?
If not, he isn't doing anything illegal.
You didn't say if you have tried to talk with him about your concerns. That would be a good place to start. If you can't work it out then you can ask the court for help, but you may have a hard time making a good argument.
Even children, with proper supervision and training, can safely handle firearms.
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