Possible wrongful termination

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New Member
I live in Texas. I was employed with a company for about 3 years with an excellent record. My work history was empecable. I supervised the night shift. Last friday evening two of my employees took over two hours for a one hour lunch. They also returned extremely intoxicated. I advised the employee, who worked directly under me, to go home. He became extremely agitated and angry. He then approached me and punched me in my face. I defended myself and hit him back. I immediately notified my managers of the incident. Subsequently I was terminated the following wednesday. My manager sighted a "no tolerance" policy when it came to fighting. I was doing my job. I was told that I should of let him hit me and not have done anything about it. Also the employee who hit me was set to be terminated in a few weeks anyways. He had nothing to lose. I have a right to defend myself. Please, if you have any information, let me know.
This is not a wrongful termination. It may or may not be unfair, but it is legal. It is quite common (and quite legal) for all employees involved in a physical altercation to be fired, regardless of who started it and who was "defending themselves".

Walking away and seeking help would have been a better solution to hitting him back.
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