I have tried. No one will take the case because it's as one lawyer said "too close to the house" for me. No one has argued anything except there is definitely a suit that needs to be issued and sought after.
Just because ONE person said ONE thing doesn't mean everyone feels the same way.
Your problem, as I see it is you owe someone lots of money.
When you owe money that a judge has ordered you to pay, the problem isn't going to go away.
As I suggested above, see if any law school clinics will help.
See if a legal aid agency will help you.
Otherwise, you'll have to hire a lawyer.
You can forget finding a real lawyer to help you on the internet, unless its to make an appointment with her/him and discuss how you hire her/his services.
All I can suggest is that you find a legitimate way to hire a lawyer, ask a relative or friend to help fund you, or start yourself a Go Fund Me page.
Don't poo poo the Go Fund Me effort, as I know woman that raised $50,000 with her sad story about her need for a lawyer.