Please read and HELP!!

Kurt Smith

New Member
Oh boy!!...Sure wish lawyers weren't so hard to talk to or find...I had court this morning and i walked out of there not talking the crying because im upset crying...Im talking that cry that you can feel the tears literally come out of your heart...Most wont ever but some will and thats bad...then you got me who has felt this 3 times from same state court system on different cases...its that cry that comes automatic when you 10000% know that a RIGHT given to you a birth for being born a son or a daughter of this (was very proud of) country...I am for real!!...If a Right of yours gets busted your soul feels it before your mind knows...leaves you just feeling bare and stunns you blank for a min...just to think that maybe one is being lost or not protected today i well you tell in that courthouse (preliminary 3rd month of Non-Support Class E Felony)...i did not get to speak or adress one word today to the courts or about my case was called and i didn't make it 1/2 to the Honors bench and my case was continued by a lawer(no clue his name) soon as i got there Hamlet (the Honor) instructed me i was done and to have a seat in crowd or leave...i looked over to prosecution and ask if i could have my discovery and i was sternly asked by Hamlet (Honor) if i would just go and pointed to the pews(crowd)...assit PA did bring me a paper that says only a pic of what Casenet (MO's court info site) has as the case it's header...Then i sat there for 20-25 min because the lawyer (???) that called my case today said he'll be right back in a few to hang tight...10 min later he walked with the rest of them suits when she called a 15 min resess...then they called for docket for 10am court and i figured in my head fuck this i lost my due process, my right to a fair trial, (2 Rights busted so far) and for some reason that i do not have no a clue, about but that judge absolutely hated me...I get to hall and there is the lawyer leaned on hand rail just bullshittin with ppl... and asked me very rudley why i was still there...i inserted becsuse you told me to wait and you'd come talk to me in a min...he said umm yea ok gave me a finger wiggle as to like later dude..And opened the door to enter courtroom...i tried to stop him trying to show him my case and he took his hands and pushed it back into my chest...i asked "whoa buddy" and a cop i asume (had a gun but dirty appearance) asked me if i was leaving the building...I told him dont worry about what or where im going...i said no im trying talk to this lawyer...and the lawyer says "why i cant give you any advise or direction because your not my client"...why the hell did you call my hearing today then?...And why was his continuance granted and my hearing called before i reached the bench of honor?...isnt that my call or my lawyers job but ultimately mine or my permission though??...Right?...The Judge dint care about it though, so i guess i won either i exclaimed!!...Then i go up to CSE because the lawyer yelled at me "Why dont you just go see if they will drop it then since you believe they are in the wrong"...i said a blind man can see that im getting shafted from all angles today...whats it going to be like on sentance day?...So i go up to CSE and they say that ths IWO (offered to me by Dorriss the agency admin herself) does not bind as agreement because it wasnt me that it pertained to...That its only a withholding order and they are part of all support cases now...I offer her a reading of para. #4 of the IWO that says if i (Kurtis Smith) want to challenge I can or do nothing and agree to it... thats only written so i can argue a default she said...The moneys stated as payment 231 current and of 115 arrears at 156.?? biweekly although this is the Federal set standard of "the current and 1/2 a month arrears"...The man at front desk called worthless and In no way does a little nothing (he slipped and said "agreement") of chump change like that constitute as a favorable remedy by the US Constitution!!...I said it does though and that i am in the ofgice og Gov't that runs CSE having to listen to my rights and my laws be told im wrong...She said sorry nothing we can do...Once they start a crimminal case we are not responsible any more...I said ok you right on that but i said it clearly states like 153 times worded all worded a little different ofcourse...But Laws and statutes from HIGH COURTS to little state courts says if a working remedy is in place it is to be left alone and no one, or avency, PROSECUTION, accept the CSE administer to terminate when dates on IWO ecpire, i quit, or the order had delt with all my debt...I told her that the administrator is all over the books (LIBRARIES) as High Law on CSE cases...If administer them self offer or enter into an agreement, IWO, payment plan that it is held as binding to the laws and again only they can terminate...ALL ENTITIES, AGENCIES, AND COURTS...shall "in big law talk means "DONT"" mess with it as it is binding and lawful remedy of the debt..You see i have a IWO delivered to me by the CSE administer herself...And i was telling them this stuff because my IWO agreed apon between her and i was interupted 3 months ago because MO filed Felony Contempt on me...HE CANT DO THAT...(whats this 4-5 of rights busted)...and all punishment and agencies should not give stay to it if it was in place and being honored as said because only the administrator is the one to terminate or if i quit...payment of current and the allocated sum being used to fixed as a remedy for my arrearrers...Im good..I. Legit doing it right...The man bitch at counter piped in said i hope you got a good lawyer cause you are unawaredly stupid and have no clue what i was saying (he really did)..State court shouldn't of and couldn't of filed or cause reason for it be stayed...Hes told in big law what?...He needs not hear the case!!..Or bring forth charges until if ever the agreement that her alone could terminate (only her) other than the completion (made good) of the debt...she still tried say no paper meant nothing to me...and that IWO being paiad faithfully check stubs to prove i was in line with laws and i shouldnt have ever been kept wsy from homeat ALL let alone now in bound by felony warrant to MO for 3 months nowI Why the FUCK AM I HERE LAWYERS??..I asked if she is bound by the laws and to the courts even as its CSE imat i know what she will say.. and she did...i asked her if that is the case she should know the laws and why she is calling me liar and treating me out of sorts? is she going deal with this convo in a court because I know Im right and she did too...she said well you cant fix it so deal with it!!...Im bound awsy from home(893 mi) for 3 months now how is it me with no job cause of the illiegal prosecution Congress was suppose to protect me from getting here and I have to deal with she says!...5 rights busted today!payout...orrowch from counter again reassured me i was lowlife parent that is just using this as a dodging method and good luck and "get out" of that office...I say put me on phone with Doriss the administrator and i was pulling my order out to show woman it was Dorriss and the title of Administrater thats signed under her name.....I said this woman here?...Call her right now and if im wrong ill leave...She said No i dont have to!! I said look lady THIS LADY IS THE TRUSTEE, THE TOP VOICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT WITH IS A GOVERNMENT AGENCY AND THE WORDS AND LAWS FROM CONGRESS THEMSELVES deem HER RULE , ACTIONS, WORDS, AND THIS PAPER IS MY MOTHER FUCKING PAPER FROM THAT WOMAN OR TITLE IS WRITTEN IN ALL READINGS OF GARNISHMENT AND WITHHOLDINGS IN EVERY BOOK IVE READ...And yes you bald head cocksucker i read front to back each one and then back to front....I know my laws and i know that if i dont speak to this DORRISS in 15 min THIS STATE AND THE VERY CSE THANKS TO YOU TWO WILL HAVE ME HOME TOMMM AND MY DEBTS AND LIFE CLEARED UP BECAUSE....LAST YEAR I WAS WALKED INTO AND SAT DOWN AND TOLD I WAS BEING FORCED TO PICK A CHILD YES PEOPLE!!...PICK MY SON (10) OR MY LITTLE GIRL(6) TO PUT UP FOR ADOPTION BECAUSE THE AGREEMENT MADE BETWEEN ME AND THE STATE (AUDRAIN COUNTY) because i just won custody (Fought Macon County) Missouri and won...but now they need intensive in house TREATMENT from issues arised from mothers and States custody...State juvenile and state family services said only way to pay for treatment (13,000 a month each kid that was 26,000) and straight medacaid only offered to Wards of state is only way...I cried cause i just fought 2.5 yrs and 20+ grand to hace them but was reassured that thier recomondation is always honord by judge and they will loophole them through the treatment 1-3 yrs step program and back home....SHIT YOU NOT LAWYERS 10.5 MONTHS LATER MISSOURI HAS (IM CRYING SO HARD RIGHT NOW) A 12 MONTH REUNIFICATION STATUTE AND SINCE THEY MADE A FAKE ALLEGATION TOWARDS ME TO LOOPHOLE CHILDREN THE JUDGE WANTS TO KNOW WHY WHERE AND WHAT IVE BEEN DOING TO REUNIFY WITH CHILDREN CAUSE THEM TWO STATE WORKERS WAS OVER THERE THINKING THAT CRYING AND BEGGING FOR MY FORGIVINESS WAS THE REASON THEY DIDNT COME CLEAN WITH THE JUDGE...AND NOW LAWYERS!!...I MISS MY MOTHER FUCKING SON!!...So after that...and now this (worse over than just wrong) bestowd upon me today...Do i Have enough figures intitled to me so that i might send a NUMERICAL MESSAGE to High and to the Low to Sate and Country???......End Here!!...The SPEAK OF YOUR YOUR CUT NEED NOT TO BE SPOKEN!!..AS I KNOW THERE ARE PLENTY OF YOU THAT WILL AND ARE ALREADY!!...How do i know this?...Because they did not let me call Dorriss!!...The woman said ok and said the phone in her office was best to use!!...When i got back to her office I was I was reminded just how lucky i was!!...The office i walked into had pics of the woman up front and FUCK YEA!!.........DORRISS......on the door!!......COME ON BOY'S!!! i said im homesick and im Hungry!!!.......MEXICO MO....END HERE!!............... THE FIGHT WILL both State and of The High...VSTATEWHYWRITTE..served to me by HER to m...i read law books front to back side to side...Her office fucked her and didn't report to courts that i was paying (as instructed by law(s)..straighl (traffic CDL)case before in front of Steinem...Never called my first witness...Prosecution asked me at lunch how i felt going forward and i said i havent felt like ive messed up too bad yet...he says "Your doing alright kid"...Infact im willing to talk about pleas if you like..."You didnt want to when i asked" i say...What do you want he asked...I want a "not even a trace of a point taken" kind of story" to tell the grandkids...15 min later he anounced to court and I that due to events and unknown cNow you have a win to put in that story...No clue what, how, why, but just quit like th and processes just good enough or his case was that poor...I dthough!!...Anyways...Guess im fixing to have to argue this case also as the warrant im bonded to for this left me stranded in MO and broke as o could not go home in GA to work...Cause The very office that pressed charges is now upset because my IWO hasn't been paid for 3 months and its laziness im not currently paying...Because i havent paid since OCT. 12...Told them its thier case that warrantied get arrested on the 13th andbe STUCK to not got go home for 2mos and going be probably by the law of 4 yrs DOC before ill get home...bullshit and an eye roll from man bitch says that a felonie cant stop anything you just trying to use excuse to d some in main building and she came back and said go home nothing stopping you...I walked out ask bondsman that was there he say hell no you stay here b go home...He says that woman lawyers FIGHTS for us!...As they should..But most wont look or even act like they care enough to "glove up" or be Oh boy!!...Sure wish lawyers weren't so hard to talk to or find...I had court this morning and i walked out of there not talking crying because im upset...Im talking that cry that you feel from your heart as soon as you 10000% know at lesdt 3 of your rights from not just by state but the right you bare from being a son of this (was very proud of) country...I am for real!!...It hurst just to think that maybe one is being lost or not protected in that courthouse but when you know its an instant water roll down face and yes it leaves you stunned...i did not get to speak or adress one word to or about my defense to the courts case was continued by a lawer before i made it to the bench to from the soon as i got there haml.i looked over to prosecution and ask if i could have my discovery and i was sternly asked by hamlet if i would just go and pointed to pews...assit PA did bring me a paper that says only what casenet has as the their case header...Then i sat there for 20-25 min because the lawyer that called my case today unannounced to or granted by me!!...said he talk to me in a min to wait...10 min later he walked with the rest of them suits when she called a 15 min resess...then they called for 10 court and i figured in my head fuck this i lost my due process, my right to a fair trial, for some reason that i do not have no a clue, about a judge that absolutely hated me...I get to hall and there the lawyer is and asked me very rudley why i was still there...i inserted becsuse you told me to wait and youd come talk to me in a min...he said umm yea ok gave me a finger as to lime later dude...i tried stop him showing him my case and he took his hands and pushed it back into my chest...i asked "whoa buddy" and a cop i asume (had a gun but dirty appearance) asked me if i was leaving the building...I told him dont worry about what or where im going...i said no im trying talk to this lawyer...and the lawyer says "why i cant give you any advise or direction because your not my client"...why did he call my hearing today then was my exact thought?...And why was his continuance granted and my hearing called before i reached the bench of honor?...isnt that my call or my lawyers ultimately mine though??...Judge dint care bout it though, so i guess i wont!!...Then i go up to CSE because lawyer yelled at me "Why dont you just go see if they will drop it then since you believe they are in yhe wrong"...i said a blind man can see that im getting shafted from all angles today...what it going to be like on sentance day?...So i go up to CSE and they say that ths IWO (offered to me by Dorriss the agency admin herself) does not bind as agreement because it wasnt me that it pertained to...That offer in para. 4 of IWO that says if i (Kurtis Smith) want to challenge or do nothing and agree to it... is for if i want to contest it or not...The moneys stated as payment 231 current and of 115 arrears at 156.?? biweekly although is the Fed set standard was called worthless and In no way does a little nothing (he slipped and said "agreement") of chump change like that constitute as a favorable remedy by the US Constitution!!...She said sorry nothing we can do...I said it clearly states like 153 times worded diff afcourse...She is the agency admin and especially if that it was she that offered or agreed it so, made it high law above anybody her...and all punishment and agencies should not give stay to it if it was in place and being honored as said that had payment of current and allocated a sum fixed as remedy for arrers...The man bitch piped in said i hope you got a good lawyer cause you are unawaredly stupid and have no clue what i was saying...Audrain shouldn't and couldn't of filed or cause reason for it be stayed or bring forth charges until if ever the agreement that her alone could terminate (only her) other than the completion (made good) of the debt...she still tried say no paper meant nothing to me...I asked if she is bound by the courts and she said yes...i asked if that is the case how is she going deal with this convo in court and she fell dead...Man bitch again reassured me i was lowlife parent that better pray for a good lawyer because i am unawaredly stupid and have no clue as to what im talking and told me "get out"...(THIS LADY IS THE TRUSTEE, TOP VOICE ANDY WORDS AND or ACTIONS BY HER ARE WRITTEN AS LAW TO THE HOLDERS OF THE IWO..served to me by HER to my mailbox)THATS HER WRITTEN IN THE BOOKS AS HIGH ORDER OF ALL FEDERAL SAY SO...i read law books front to back side to side...Her office fucked her and didn't report to courts that i was paying (as instructed by law(s)...So yea MY Rights and Laws afforded to me by Supreme Court and White House was straight shredded and spit at me today...I have tried my own Criminal (traffic CDL)case before in front of Steinem...Never called my first witness...Prosecution asked me at lunch how i felt going forward and i said i havent felt like ive messed up too bad yet...he says "Your doing alright kid"...Infact im willing to talk about pleas if you like..."You didnt want to when i asked" i say...What do you want he asked...I want a "not even a trace of a point taken" kind of story" to tell the grandkids...15 min later he anounced to court and I that due to events and unknown causes of his dept the ball had been dropped so now he is dropping the case...Gavel fell and he pat shoulder...Now you have a win to put in that story...No clue what, how, why, but just quit like that...Was my defense and understanding of procedures and processes just good enough or his case was that poor...I dunno...Gods truth though!!...Anyways...Guess im fixing to have to argue this case also as the warrant im bonded to for this left me stranded in MO and broke as o could not go home in GA to work...Cause The very office that pressed charges is now upset because my IWO hasn't been paid for 3 months and its laziness im not currently paying...Because i havent paid since OCT. 12...Told them its thier case that warrantied get arrested on the 13th andbe STUCK to not got go home for 2mos and going be probably by the law of 4 yrs DOC before ill get home...bullshit and an eye roll from man bitch says that a felonie cant stop anything you just trying to use excuse to dodge some more...Then she lleft and asked somebody in main building and she came back and said go home nothing stopping you...I walked out ask bondsman that was there he say hell no you stay here because only a judge can let you go home...He says that woman cant lie to me like that...So there you go i had my 15 min free make you read-sultaion...This is 4th time the state has steam-rolled cause good lawyers FIGHTS for us!...As they should..But most wont look or even act like they care enough to "glove up" or be your cup mate/corner man if its not a prize fight payout...
Your post it too long and filled with hyperbole. Please edit out everything but a basic paragraph or two regarding your issue. Do NOT use filthy language. Thank You.
Holy smokes! I am glad I stopped reading when I did?
I encourage you to condense this into 4-5 sentences.

From what I read, no, your rights were not violated. It sounds like you were not yet at a point where you could do the things you want to do. At some point prior to this you agreed to waive time. You can rescind that waiver and demand a fast trial, but that is not likely in your best interest.

If you don't like how the public defender is handling things then hire your own lawyer.
Let me do the Readers Digest Condensed Version.

From context I'm going to assume the state is Missouri.

Kurt is charged with Criminal Nonsupport which is a Class E Felony when it goes on for more than a year in arrears.

His case was called and continued on a motion from his attorney (most likely his own public defender). He tried to protest it which the judge disallows. He then tried to demand discovery in the middle of the court at that time and the judge told him to stop.

He's upset that his attorney couldn't run over and meet with him but he had to wait a few minutes.
He ascribes the fact his attorney was busy with other business to attempts to play with his mind.
After making a furhter scene, the court security asked him to leave.

He has a dispute over the amount of support, though he confuses the order to pay support with the fact he didn't pay it.

He also claims that courts taking 15 minute recesses somehow infringe on his right to a speedy trial.

He then launches into a rant about how everybody in Missouri hates him and conspires to take away his Constitutional rights

--- Condensed Version Finished ---

Your attorney is free to request a continuance. In fact, newly assigned public defenders almost always have to do this. There's nothing for you to protest (unless you want to dismiss counsel and go it yourself, which is never a good idea, and in your case, recklessly dangerous).

Busy attorneys (and all PDs usually are) have dozens of things going on at once. Much of their job is talking to other attorneys (what you call bulls---ting).

The court does not work on your time. As far as the court is concerned, this is the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE and you work on their schedule. They'll reschedule things for attorneys, but not for you.

Judges hate disruptions in the court. It's not the place to argue with your attorney.

Now note, if you thought the child support order was illegally high, the time to make that case was long before you got over a year in arrears. At this point, the law is clear on the criminal aspect:

1. You had an order issued by a lawful agency.
2. You have more than a year of arrearage on it.

That's all it takes to convict you.

Here's what you should do:

Call your PD and leave a message apologizing for your rude and profane behavior and ask for a few minutes of his time to discuss your case. Then go and listen to what he has to say. Then calmly explain any details it appears he doesn't have.
Let me do the Readers Digest Condensed Version.

From context I'm going to assume the state is Missouri.

Kurt is charged with Criminal Nonsupport which is a Class E Felony when it goes on for more than a year in arrears.

His case was called and continued on a motion from his attorney (most likely his own public defender). He tried to protest it which the judge disallows. He then tried to demand discovery in the middle of the court at that time and the judge told him to stop.

He's upset that his attorney couldn't run over and meet with him but he had to wait a few minutes.
He ascribes the fact his attorney was busy with other business to attempts to play with his mind.
After making a furhter scene, the court security asked him to leave.

He has a dispute over the amount of support, though he confuses the order to pay support with the fact he didn't pay it.

He also claims that courts taking 15 minute recesses somehow infringe on his right to a speedy trial.

He then launches into a rant about how everybody in Missouri hates him and conspires to take away his Constitutional rights

--- Condensed Version Finished ---

Your attorney is free to request a continuance. In fact, newly assigned public defenders almost always have to do this. There's nothing for you to protest (unless you want to dismiss counsel and go it yourself, which is never a good idea, and in your case, recklessly dangerous).

Busy attorneys (and all PDs usually are) have dozens of things going on at once. Much of their job is talking to other attorneys (what you call bulls---ting).

The court does not work on your time. As far as the court is concerned, this is the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE and you work on their schedule. They'll reschedule things for attorneys, but not for you.

Judges hate disruptions in the court. It's not the place to argue with your attorney.

Now note, if you thought the child support order was illegally high, the time to make that case was long before you got over a year in arrears. At this point, the law is clear on the criminal aspect:

1. You had an order issued by a lawful agency.
2. You have more than a year of arrearage on it.

That's all it takes to convict you.

Here's what you should do:

Call your PD and leave a message apologizing for your rude and profane behavior and ask for a few minutes of his time to discuss your case. Then go and listen to what he has to say. Then calmly explain any details it appears he doesn't have.
I think your efforts on the OP's behalf may have elevated you to Sainthood. :cool:
Let me do the Readers Digest Condensed Version.

From context I'm going to assume the state is Missouri.

Kurt is charged with Criminal Nonsupport which is a Class E Felony when it goes on for more than a year in arrears.

His case was called and continued on a motion from his attorney (most likely his own public defender). He tried to protest it which the judge disallows. He then tried to demand discovery in the middle of the court at that time and the judge told him to stop.

He's upset that his attorney couldn't run over and meet with him but he had to wait a few minutes.
He ascribes the fact his attorney was busy with other business to attempts to play with his mind.
After making a furhter scene, the court security asked him to leave.

He has a dispute over the amount of support, though he confuses the order to pay support with the fact he didn't pay it.

He also claims that courts taking 15 minute recesses somehow infringe on his right to a speedy trial.

He then launches into a rant about how everybody in Missouri hates him and conspires to take away his Constitutional rights

--- Condensed Version Finished ---

Your attorney is free to request a continuance. In fact, newly assigned public defenders almost always have to do this. There's nothing for you to protest (unless you want to dismiss counsel and go it yourself, which is never a good idea, and in your case, recklessly dangerous).

Busy attorneys (and all PDs usually are) have dozens of things going on at once. Much of their job is talking to other attorneys (what you call bulls---ting).

The court does not work on your time. As far as the court is concerned, this is the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE and you work on their schedule. They'll reschedule things for attorneys, but not for you.

Judges hate disruptions in the court. It's not the place to argue with your attorney.

Now note, if you thought the child support order was illegally high, the time to make that case was long before you got over a year in arrears. At this point, the law is clear on the criminal aspect:

1. You had an order issued by a lawful agency.
2. You have more than a year of arrearage on it.

That's all it takes to convict you.

Here's what you should do:

Call your PD and leave a message apologizing for your rude and profane behavior and ask for a few minutes of his time to discuss your case. Then go and listen to what he has to say. Then calmly explain any details it appears he doesn't have.
No one here is going to wade through your emotional postings. Post what your issues are in 125 words or less. Use proper capitalization and punctuation. If you can not or will not do that, then go and consult with an attorney.

try contacting any of the legal aid entities and/or law schools across your state.

Law schools often have clinics that function to assist people in predicaments similar to yours.

Legal aid entities are always busy, but it can't hurt to enquire.

Merry Christmas.
I block copied your original post into a Word document. In Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced, your post took up nine pages. You used not a single paragraph break and, as far as I can tell, the only punctuation in your post are parentheses, quotation marks, some question marks and exclamation points and sh**load of ellipses, which you misused in apparently every instance.

I've filed complex legal briefs that are shorter than that. If you won't make an effort to make what you write reader-friendly, why should anyone spend their time trying to make sense of what you write?
I am sorry! The post double triple posted or something. You are RIGHT. It is hard to follow. I WOULD LIKE TO START OVER IF SOME WOULD EVEN CARE. I know its alot but i was just trying tell whole situation and give all accounts of events. I do tend to over explain sometimes as my mind feels like i should give all info on the subject. Its not just on here. Again i aplogize to all. I would like to go 1 Question at a time. Again i sincerely apologize. I would not even be on here if i truly did not have a BIG problem. Please and Thank You. Again sorry.

1-Is there anybody on here that practices in, has a good knowledge of the process or procedures pertaining to Child Support Laws, the enforcement, or legalities of a Direct Withholding Order?
I am sorry! The post double triple posted or something. You are RIGHT. It is hard to follow. I WOULD LIKE TO START OVER IF SOME WOULD EVEN CARE. I know its alot but i was just trying tell whole situation and give all accounts of events. I do tend to over explain sometimes as my mind feels like i should give all info on the subject. Its not just on here. Again i aplogize to all. I would like to go 1 Question at a time. Again i sincerely apologize. I would not even be on here if i truly did not have a BIG problem. Please and Thank You. Again sorry.

1-Is there anybody on here that practices in, has a good knowledge of the process or procedures pertaining to Child Support Laws, the enforcement, or legalities of a Direct Withholding Order?
Most everyone that has responded to your thread is well versed in these matters.
1-Is there anybody on here that practices in, has a good knowledge of the process or procedures pertaining to Child Support Laws, the enforcement, or legalities of a Direct Withholding Order?

We don't allow lawyer solicitation on the board.

Why not trim down your post, state the facts of your dilemma, and ask a couple of questions?

If the person needs more details, he or she will ask for them.

That said, start over, see if you can acquire some useful responses.

Most issues people face are far too complicated to solve on this board, which is why people are telling you to be brief.

Think of it this way.

You have a rash all over you face.

You find one of the medical sites.

You won't be able to receive treatment for your problem, you'll receive guidance on what you can do to get better.

Bottom line, if you have medical problems you need to see a physician.

That's all you can do on the 'net when you have a legal issue, glean a few pieces of information.

You can then do some research yourself, but your best option is retain the services of an attorney.

Good luck.
Thank you. I am sorry "jet" i truly am.

I have an Direct Witholding Order issued and it is in good standing (fullfilled each week as to ordered) from Department of Social Services. Who can interfere, or cause it to be abrupted besides the Department of Social Services themselves for hearing, or modification purposes?.
We don't allow lawyer solicitation on the board.

Why not trim down your post, state the facts of your dilemma, and ask a couple of questions?

If the person needs more details, he or she will ask for them.

That said, start over, see if you can acquire some useful responses.

Most issues people face are far too complicated to solve on this board, which is why people are telling you to be brief.

Think of it this way.

You have a rash all over you face.

You find one of the medical sites.

You won't be able to receive treatment for your problem, you'll receive guidance on what you can do to get better.

Bottom line, if you have medical problems you need to see a physician.

That's all you can do on the 'net when you have a legal issue, glean a few pieces of information.

You can then do some research yourself, but your best option is retain the services of an attorney.

Good luck.
I have tried. No one will take the case because it's as one lawyer said "too close to the house" for me. No one has argued anything except there is definitely a suit that needs to be issued and sought after.