please help

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New Member
I work as a bartender in NY. St. Patrick's Parade day is a very busy day at my bar. I have worked this day as a double for the last 3 years and have come to rely on the money it brings. I have recently been told that I am no longer working the day shift, (Where i make alot of my money) and that an owner will be instead. I have been told be a fellow bartender that it is illegal for an owner to work a shift and collect tips if an employee is avalible to work it. Is this true?
I work as a bartender in NY. St. Patrick's Parade day is a very busy day at my bar. I have worked this day as a double for the last 3 years and have come to rely on the money it brings. I have recently been told that I am no longer working the day shift, (Where i make alot of my money) and that an owner will be instead. I have been told be a fellow bartender that it is illegal for an owner to work a shift and collect tips if an employee is avalible to work it. Is this true?

Call your states department of labor and find out. They will tell you what an employer can and can't do, and you can take it to the bank. It's as good as gold when they TELL you.
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