please help!!!!

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New Member
me and my ex girlfriend are having a baby together we planned this child and were going to get married then out of the blue she doesnt want to be with me and is saying she is going keep me from my kid and make me take her to court is there anything i can do and being a mothers state (utah) what can i do to get custody of my child shes not a bad mother other than even after we split i still pay all her bills and help with her other kid she lives with her parrents and uses them for everything she cant handle 1 kid let alone 2 and i dont want my child raised like that can i do anything
Ok so if she wasn't mother material why did you get her pregnant?

The child is not even born yet. Until the child is born and paternity is established you have no rights. You are going to have to go to court and ask for a DNA test. Stop listening to her threats. If you go to court there is nothing mom can do to stop you, she must abide by a court order.

since you are not married, you need to register on utah's putative father registry. Here is a link that can help you, I would call the Department of Health just to make sure there is nothing else you need to do. But you are going to have to eventually get a DNA test through the courts, then if the child is yours, set up visitation. I would not count on custody, that is VERY hard to get unless you can prove without a doubt that mom is a mess and cannot care for the child. You also do not know 100% if this child is yours.

Good luck
Leave it to a lawyer to tell you that you need an attorney. What a bunch of bull. Don't ever go to a lawyer unless it is your absolute last option. No lawyer will ever help you or care about your situation. They all just want money and couldn't care less about the quality of service you receive because they get paid either way. Make sure you do tons of personal research and never rely on a lawyer to tell you the truth. Most times they tell you the most nightmarish stories to keep you in fear and retain their services. There's a reason why there a million lawyer jokes; they're all true.
I am not an attorney.

Your advice for him to not see an attorney is terrible.

You are on the wrong website if you hate attorneys and have no interest in giving someone proper advice.
His advice is quickly becoming spam since he has posted the exact same reply to several threads. I think he's the husband of the woman who wants to move out of state to get away from her child's father.
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