Please give me some advice on full legal custody.

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First of all, this is how I understand physical and legal custody. Physical is what I have, my court papers say that it is in the child's best interest for (my name) to have custody. My ex was NOT awarded a specific visitation, we were told to go by the Parenting Time Guidelines. Sole legal custody would be myself being responsible to make all the big decisions in my child's life, without the other parent's permission, or say. Is that correct? If not, please correct me. I also have another question, but I want to make sure this one is answered first. Thank you.
First of all, this is how I understand physical and legal custody. Physical is what I have, my court papers say that it is in the child's best interest for (my name) to have custody. My ex was NOT awarded a specific visitation, we were told to go by the Parenting Time Guidelines. Sole legal custody would be myself being responsible to make all the big decisions in my child's life, without the other parent's permission, or say. Is that correct? If not, please correct me. I also have another question, but I want to make sure this one is answered first. Thank you.

Physical custody means that the child lives primarily with the custodial parent. It doesn't take away any visitation rights. If you were told to go by the Parenting Time Guidelines, then that is the visitation your ex is allowed. What are your Parenting Time Guidelines? Does that mean your state guidelines or did your decree state, "times mutually agreed upon by the parents"? Either way, your ex DOES have visitation rights.

You are correct about sole legal custody. You are allowed to make major decisions without the NCP's input.
You cannot move though without permission, so not sure if this is in regards to moving.
Can husband get a divorce?

I live in Illinois & have been married for 9 years. I got addicted to vicodin & went into treatment. My addiction lasted 6 months. After I told my husband I was addicted & was going to get help, he then told me that I disgust him & that I am a piece of sh*t drug addict. He said he cannot deal with this or be with me anymore because my drug habit digusts him. He called an attorney & made an appt. to file for divorce. From what I read he has no grounds for divorce. Can he still file and get a divorce? We have 2 small children. This is the 3rd time he has threatened me. I heard him on the phone this time calling a lawyers office.
I would like to know how you got sole custody. I am facing a divorce & would like sole custody of my children. Any advice?
I want full custody of my children

I'm in Illinois. My husband wants to file for a divorce, but currently has no grounds to do so. We have 2 small children. Is there anyway I can get full custody of the children? He is bailing out on me even though I got treatment because I got addicted to vicodin for 6 months. He said my drug habit digusts him & he cannot deal with it. My theory is that if he cannot deal with that small problem that got corrected, how can he deal with the children?
Your previous addiction may actually work against you in a custody fight, so I wouldn't use that as an argument.

If he wants a divorce quicker than 2 years, you can divorce after a six month separation if you agree. Perhaps he will agree to sole custody if you agree to the divorce. However, don't rely on a verbal agreement. Have your attorney draw up the agreement.
I am a stay at home mom of 3 year old twins in Illinois. I would like to know how long & how much my husband would have to pay in spousal support. Have been married since Feb 2000. Will be married 9 years by the time the divorce goes through.
You may not get any spousal support. Typically in Illinois, spousal support is awarded in marriages over 10 years in length.

Since you worked up until a year ago when you were terminated (per your other thread), you will probably be expected to find employment to support yourself. You MAY get a very short term rehabilitative support to help until you find a job. I wouldn't count on it though.

Also, if you receive any award from a discrimination investigation/suit against your former employer (again, per your other thread), your husband will likely be entitled to a share of the award since the termination occurred during the marriage and affected the marital finances.

You really need an attorney.
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