Hello, the other day I was caught shoplifting two items ($20+$50). While I deeply and sincerely sorry for doing so, my main concern is how much I will be charged.
While there, I overheard the officers mention "Petty theft". They then told me that because I am a minor (I turn 18 in 3 weeks) they will not take me to county. Afterwards, they proceeded to have me sign a slip of paper stating that I will show up to court and they fingerprinted me.
I will be starting college in a few weeks and will then become a broke college student. Because of this, I was wondering what fines I will face. More than anything, I do not want to burden my parents with too much and would rather spend time in jail if it means lowering the fine.
I have never been convicted of anything before and will turn 18 about a week before I need to appear in court.
What should I do? How much are lawyers? Should I get one? Can I get an expungement?
Thank you!
While there, I overheard the officers mention "Petty theft". They then told me that because I am a minor (I turn 18 in 3 weeks) they will not take me to county. Afterwards, they proceeded to have me sign a slip of paper stating that I will show up to court and they fingerprinted me.
I will be starting college in a few weeks and will then become a broke college student. Because of this, I was wondering what fines I will face. More than anything, I do not want to burden my parents with too much and would rather spend time in jail if it means lowering the fine.
I have never been convicted of anything before and will turn 18 about a week before I need to appear in court.
What should I do? How much are lawyers? Should I get one? Can I get an expungement?
Thank you!
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