Permission to move out of State

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New Member
I live in Utah and want to move to Idaho. My divorce papers state if I move custody is to automatically go to my ex so he resides in Utah with him. How can I get this changed so I can move with my son? I have sole physical custody of my son and joint legal.

My ex is threatening to fight me for custody of my son if I try to take it to court to get it changed to move, however I'm not an unfit parent by any means.


If that is what the agreement says then you need to abide by it or file a motion in court to move but you have an uphill battle. It does not matter if you have sole custody. dad has the right to see his child and your moving will interfere with that. You may be looking at a long and expensive court battle. You agreed to this. You'll need to prove it is in the childs best interest to move if you want court approval.
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