Payout on pension plan

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New Member

I have a question regarding a payout on my pension plan I had with a company I worked for. I was laid off at the beginning of the year. I received a letter from the company giving me the name of the person I would have to contact about my pension plan. So about a week after I was let go, I received a letter from the bank that handles the pension plan, that I had to fill out and send back to receive my money. Well it is been 4 months now and I still have not gotten any money. When I called this person before I would always get the same answer: We are busy right now. We are waiting on something. It might take another couple of weeks. When I tried calling this person again last thursday I was told he didn't have a contact number anymore. So I got his e-mail address from the bank and send an e-mail. But I don't think I will receive an answer. I also left a message with the company I used to work for to please give me a call back, but I don't think that is going to happen either.
So my question is this; How long can this company take to give me my payout on this pension plan. What options do I have? Can I get a Lawyer involved in this. I mean we are not talking pocketchange here. I worked for this company almost 10 years. And quite seriously I am getting a little frustrated.
If this is an honest to goodness pension plan, it is doubtful that you can get the money out before retirement.

If it is a 401k plan, which is not exactly the same thing, it depends on the terms of the plan document.
Well from what I understand, with this plan you can get a payout if you leave before retirement or have it transfered to another pension plan if you were to have another job. Which I don't have. I talked to another former employee of this company and she told me she got her payout about 2 months after leaving. I would like a lawyer to look over the paperwork I have, but I don't know what type of lawyer I would need to contact?!
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