Parental Rights

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I have a 3 1/2 month old and I want to know how to get the father to sign away his parental rights. When I told him I was pregnant and gave him the choice of any or no involvment I was 5 weeks pregnant. I haven't heard from or seen him since then. But I heard thru the grapevine that he has been telling people he works with that he knows about his child and he has been involved with him. I do not want him to turn around one day after years of no contact and try to get involved. There has been no paternity test done and his name is not on my sons birth certificate. What do I need to do get him to sign his rights away or do I not need to do anything at all?
You can get a attorney and file for termination of rights.
thats if he signed the birth certificate.

If he didnt sign the birth certificate contact a attorney to clear up some lose ends.
For him to have rights, there would need to be a paternity test done proving he is the father, then he would have to petition the court for visitation or joint custody. However, by doing this, he will then have to pay child support, and maybe even back child support.

Are you sure you want your child to grow up not knowing the father? If he is not a bad person (i.e.: not addicted, not a convict, not a domestic violence perpetrator), why would you want to deny your child their birth right. So, think carefuuly about this decision because you may ultimately be harming your child.
the father is not on the birth certificate..
my child will know who his father is but not in the sense of his father having any visitation rights or ay rights at all if i can help it.. he is not a bad person but he's got two other children with two different women and i don't want my child to have to go back and forth between me and a man who didn't even want him.. and he doesn't want him.. the first thing he wanted me to do was terminate the pregnancy and then when i told him i wouldn't he wanted me to give him up for adoption.. i told him i wouldn't do that either.. and then when he was given the choice he refused to give me any answer.. the man wants nothing to do with my son and i want to keep it that way by getting him to sign his rights away.. however, if he is unable to sign away his rights if he's not on the cert then i guess i have nothing to worry about.. and i don't want him on the birth certificate because when i get married i want my husband to adopt my son..
so basically if the father is not on the birth cert at all then he has no rights and i have nothing to do and nothing to worry about.. he would have to get a court odered paternity test and then when that was done he'd have to get an attorney to get his name on the birth cert and then he'd have to go to court to get his visitation and child support done up and he'd have to pay back-child support.. a lot of money for a man who is already paying child support on two different children.. i don't think i need to worry about him at all..
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