Overtime and Robbery

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New Member
I started working for a small machine shop in April 2006. The owner offered me 25 dollars an hour and a job in Colorado if I moved with him, but couldnt pay overtime. He said when he sold his house he would pay me the overtime.

I worked many hours overtime, over 900 from April to December. Three days after the close of escrow on his house he fired me without paying me the overtime. His wife called me to return in which I did only to tell him he needed to pay me first. He wrote a check but it was for straight time only, no deductions. He took the hours I had been recording on paper. I knew I had to cash this check quick before he changed his mind. I worked that day 8 hours, but midway he said he wasnt paying me for the first 3 hours since we were in discussion about pay and the job. I left after my eight hours feeling like a fired employee. I returned the next morning only to see my time card hours had been changed. I quickly told him I was leaving, that I was sick, and never returned.

I emailed the owner asking for my W-2. He replied saying he would send the W-2 and a 1099. I have not yet seen the papers, but I believe he is going to claim I was an independent worker and he check he wrote was for that.

He is a scandalous person. I remember he mentioned that he classified my postion as office worked instead of shop worker to save money on workers comp.

Who else is he cheating?

I emailed him again telling him to pay me the remainder of the overtime (time and a half and double time). I also asked him to take my belongings (toolbox, notes, etc.) to a mutal friends shop. I figured this email would be a paper trail in case I have to go to court.

What do I do with a 1099? Is this the right form for reporting overtime pay less taxes? How do I get my belongings? How do i get my overtime that remains? How do I file taxes if he still owes me more money?
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