Online harassment from a former coworker

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New Member
I quit my job recently because of problems I was having with a coworker. A couple of days after I quit I received an email saying she wanted to be friends. The internet link in the email directed me to a public website which she was on. Everything on her page was directed to me and was about me (all negative, namecalling, etc.). I made copies of everything and forwarded it to the Vice President of the company because she was doing it from a company computer during working hours. In my email I told the VP to have her stop doing it because it was harassment and could put the company at risk. Two days later she posted more negative things about me including an altered company picture of me on the website from the same company computer and also again during working hours. (This website has a time - date stamp on everything). This is affecting me emotionally as well as physically. I am crying all of the time. Do I have a case to go after the company for harassment since they did nothing after the first time?
On a side note, she has signed up my personal email for porn, dvds, newletters, subscriptions, etc. I have contacted the local police who directed me to their website. I emailed a detective because I believe this person may be committing on-line fraud in my name, but I havent heard back from them yet. What should I do? She is terrorizing me.
Do I have a case to go after the company for harassment since they did nothing after the first time? No. What you describe does not fall under prohibited harassment in any employment laws. Additionally, you no longer work there so employment reg's aren't even an issue.

Now you may have some claim directly against the former co-worker for defamation and/or criminal harassment depending on your State's laws and exactly what she has done. In addition to filing a complaint with the police, you may want to talk to an attorney about any civil recourse you may have against her.
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