I'm happy to find this forum and hoping for some help. I'm so angry right now. This is my 2nd time! Last night I was at the bar for a friends birthday and I had 2 20oz glass of beer and 1 shot. Waited 1hr 15min before going home. At this time the traffic lights are blinking on the road. A blinking red light is just like a stop sign. So I stop and proceed. The next light about 2 blocks away is an orange light, caution. After I passed the second light I noticed a car turned behind me, followed me a block and turned on the lights. Now I'm nervous and worried since I have been drinking. Officer comes by, takes my license and and asks if I've been drinking and I comply yes. Gives me all 3 FST and I felt I passed with ease. Next he request that I blow into the breathalizer. I refused. It was a tough decision since I didnt want to risk my BAC being over the limit yet I knew they were going to take my license away. They took me in and I refused at the station also. The cop said I was very cooperative but had to give me the ticket because I refused. All night in jail I was just thinking how is my lawyer gonna get me out of this one.
I was given tickets for failing to stop at flashing red lights and dui.
There is a fighting chance right? I cant afford to lose this case. How will the prosecutor build a case with this one? I know since I didnt blow I admitted to guilt but I was not about to risk my freedom by blowing and failing the breathalizer.
I was given tickets for failing to stop at flashing red lights and dui.
There is a fighting chance right? I cant afford to lose this case. How will the prosecutor build a case with this one? I know since I didnt blow I admitted to guilt but I was not about to risk my freedom by blowing and failing the breathalizer.
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