Not receiving promised raise

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New Member
I was hired 3 months ago as a computer technician by a public school district. I was verbally promised by my boss and and our HR person that I would receive a raise when I completed a computer certification test. 3 other technicians received the same raise last year after they were hired and completed their certifications. Now that there are budget cuts pending, my employer is not willing to give me the promised raise.
Do I have any recourse?
Yes, you can seek new employment.

A promise is a contract absent consideration.

Therefore, you had no contract. You have no basis for a lawsuit.

But, thank your lucky stars, you still have something millions of people are seeking.

What, you ask?

A job, I answer!
I left a really good job for this one because of the raise that I would be getting. Now I am having to pay more in commuting expenses, with no raise. Plus I had to pay $300 for my certification test. I know now that I should have had it put in writing...
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