not paying child support for a month???

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New Member
I reside in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In 2001 I was divorced and have joint custody of our 2 children ages 7 and 11. Primary residence is with me. I have a court order with regards to child support. I have recently purchased a new home after renting for some time and I wanted to provide my children with more stability with regards to their residence. In the upcoming month of October, my ex husband is taking the children for a three week period due to gap between when we have to vacate our current residence and when we are able to move into our new home. I did not want the children to have to be moving around for that three week period and it would be better for them to be at their father's residence for the three week period. I am also taking this opportunity to go to my home in Newfoundland as my mother is having some health issues. With that said, he is refusing to pay me my support for the month of October since he says he is going to be the bearer of the kid's expenses. He is not enrolled in any maintenance enforcement program. He is threatening now to change the custody order just to avoid having to pay support for the month of October. He fails to understand I still have expenses related to the children and he makes substantially more than I do income wise. I always pay 1/2 of all special expenses even when I shouldn't be since it should be in proportion to our incomes. I was told unless he is going to change the court order for a month, then he has to pay. I am returning and I am not giving up custody of my children. I realize I should have him in Maintenance Enforcement which I am going to do and claim an arrears. Does he have a legal leg to stand on?
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