Not hired because of felony

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New Member
I applied for a job with a trucking company. The application asked for and I provided felony conviction information. At the bottom of the form I stated my conviction, reason, and a hope that they would hire me anyway. This company called and set up for me to attend trucking school in Utah, I live in Colorado. I had a job offer to start the same day as the class, which I turned down.

I was there for two days when the security person escorted me out. I was told my conviction had to be at leasr 10 years old. It was humiliating and disheartening. I had to speak to their attorney to be paid for my trip down. I also asked them to pay for the lost pay because I would have been working had I not gone to Utah. Their attorney offered $1000.00 to settle and $1500.00 if I demanded it (whatever that means). I have been out over $13000.00 so far not including insurance from the job I turned down. My unemployment has run out and I am about to be evicted.

Is there law governing this type of action. Their lawyer is acting as if I don't have a case. Do I?
Felons are not a protected class. It is possible somebody in HR overlooked your felony conviction. While it may have been embarrasing, rescinding an offer of employment is not against the law. They are allowed to not hire felons.

It sounds like you did not specifically put you had a felon on the appropriate part of the application. Either way, you probably signed something giving them authorization to do abackground check and if the felony was on it, they do not have to offer you a position.

In the future, be sure this is well clarified before you accept an offer.
Information available

I did indicate in the correct place that I was a felon. Their attorneys response was that the individual who looked at the application did not subtract properly. Then I re-iterated that I was a felon at the bottom of the application. I further asked the recruiter if the conviction was a problem and she stated no. My issue is that I lost alot of money because I turned down an offer to go to this school. It could be months before I find another job.
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