Not hired because I'm also going to school

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New Member
I was turned down for a RN job in Wisconsin, I am a recent grad w/RN degree, now back in school for additional training. I was told I was not hired because they felt I might leave the area when I graduate (in 2 years). Is this legal? I feel it's no different than saying your single and may get married and leave the area...
Protected classes are groups that lawmakers specifically protect from discrimination. Today, they include anyone who suffers discrimination because of their age, sex, race, national origin, disability, creed or religion.

It does not appear that marital status and student status are protected classes with regard to discrimination law. Therefore, there was nothing illegal in their decision not to hire you.
And, just as a word, while some states do protect marital status, no state protects student status. It would be legal in some states, but not all, to refuse to hire you because you are single and might get married as in your hypothetical. It is legal in all states to refuse to hire you because of your student status.
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