Noncommunicative Executor (MIA)

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New Member
Executor stopped communicating to heir of a Probated estate. It has been over 3 yrs since the estate has been probated ( a very simple estate ). His last communication with me 2 years ago was that he was rapping it up. I now suspect some shady stuff on his part.

He had started by the book sending correct paperwork,etc. Giving out some of the estate monies. Then stopped. Won't return calls. Won't pick up my certified, return receipt letters requesting a formal account of estate (he uses a PO box for his home address).

1.What are the ways to find out who his accountant and lawyer is? (no info was given on any paperwork sent to me)
2.Are they legally bound to return correspondence to me about anything regard estate?
3.How to proceed if I can not find the executor's lawyer?
4.If I get a lawyer to send him a letter on my behalf is the executor legally bound to respond?
5. If there is some shadyness in accounting of estate: do I just file a crimial report and then it would be the state who goes after him?
6. Open to any other thoughts on this you may have...... thanks
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