Nine Years Later can I sue for Adultry In California

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Hi to Everyone.....My question is ,I was married for 20+ years to the same women and that ended approx 9 years ago thru uncontested divorse by both parties,we did a simple divison of the assets,house bank accounts,vehicles etc. My question is can I consider a law suit against my X wife for a open and shut case of Adultry during the last 1 to 2 years of our marrige with some proof and witneses ? Thank You for your responses and expertise..and feel free to ask any and all needed questions...All the Best to you all... :confused: aliass92582
Sue for what? What are you trying to gain by doing this?

CA is a no fault state anyways so it really does not matter if she committed adultery.

Also you have waited far too long to file this. The divorce is done with, and again adultery probably would not have made any difference.
Hi to Everyone.....My question is ,I was married for 20+ years to the same women and that ended approx 9 years ago thru uncontested divorse by both parties,we did a simple divison of the assets,house bank accounts,vehicles etc. My question is can I consider a law suit against my X wife for a open and shut case of Adultry during the last 1 to 2 years of our marrige with some proof and witneses ? Thank You for your responses and expertise..and feel free to ask any and all needed questions...All the Best to you all... :confused: aliass92582

Since you did nothing for 9 years after the judgment in the lawsuit, then that means that you agreed with it.
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