New ADAAA Employer Compliance

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New Member
I just wanted to post a quick thought on this issue - I am in the midst of a lawsuit against former employer in CA for this type of an issue. Here is my perception of the problem....

Federal laws have changed and employers are required comply with the new laws, but they don't understand it, they certainly aren't training anyone on it (managers and supervisors) so these folks are left to screw it up all on their own. At least here in CA, CORPORATE is responsible for training on issues of civil rights, so these situations go straight to corporate rather than the immediate sup or manager. For good or bad, that is typically the case in CA. Lots of new laws and regulations and employers aren't keeping current.....just an FYI.....They have difficulties understanding new FMLA, new ADAA and how FMLA and disability may intersect each other in a particular case. Difficult yes, but they are responsible when their system fails...
....In my case, apparently my former employer thinks that they can do whatever they want to without regard to FMLA or disability accomodation. Under the direction of the HR director, I was continually written up for using approved FMLA time as a "attendance" and denied FMLA for documented disability leave, so I have an "attendance" problem. We are now moving full speed ahead toward court proceedings after mediation, which I expect to be a total farse...;)
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