Neighbor writes letter to my company impersonating me to get me fired.

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I have a neighbor whom I believe has simply gone too far. First, on multiple occasions has called the cops on my house. Every so often we have get togethers that get a little loud but we are respectful. When the police get wise to them and don't tend to their wishes, they write a letter (remember the "letter" for later in my post) stating that we are "ruining the neighborhood and attracting gang activity to the area". Now we've lived in the neighborhood years before them and the same demographic of people maintain the area, not of the gang demeanor. They went on to state a bunch of horrific lies in the letter and sent a copy to our landlord. Our landlord had a good laugh and told us not to worry about it because he's known us for years and knows us better than that. By this time we had gathered with the 5 other houses that surround this neighbor and found out 3 of 5 family's had received similar letters stating accusations and lies about them also. Next the neighbors called in a complaint with the city that we were using our garage to house people which I guess is illegal. Also a lie. It's called a man cave where my brother in law and I lift weights and watch the occasional ball game in. We didn't mind any of this stuff because no matter what they tried none of it worked. Now comes the interesting part. Like my name states I am a bus driver. Now my company services the entire county and is federally funded so any "Johnny Off the Street" can call in and complain about the service/driver regardless if it's true or not. So a little after the police had told the neighbors to figure it out and get over it I get called in the office at work because of a customer complaint. Now these neighbors see me and my sister walk out of our house in uniform all the time and I'm sure they know where we work. So back to the office. My supervisor says they got a complaint about me passing up groups of African American passengers on multiple occasions on the same line. Now this is a bald face lie because I have different schedule everyday which cleared my name right away. There was a line in the report that is going to stand out later in this post that goes with the "Letter" mentioned above. On this report the passenger used the phrase "This ain't right" that I supposedly pass black passengers. Didn't think much of it at the time because we get false and crazy accusation about drivers all the time. Now here goes the last straw. Yesterday I get called in the office. My supervisor hands me a letter, one that looks identical to the ones the neighbor sent to us and our landlord. It goes like this (please excuse the foul language):

Fuck You!
The white drivers get higher pay and benefits then I do.
I drive the same buses they do. And work the same hours
This ain't right.
Fuck You!

Mr. Bus Driver (They used my real legal name)

Now I don't recall ever writing this lovely letter but multiple copies of this letter were sent to the head officials at my company causing the letter to get back to me through supervision along with an investigation. Well I knew right away where to start my own investigation. Grabbed the neighbor letters and compared. I immediately saw the similarities. Same paper, same font, same use of the phrase "This ain't right" from the passenger complaint. The handwriting on the envelopes sent to the officials at my work was an exact match to the handwriting on the envelopes from the letters the neighbor sent us. So it's obvious who tried to get me evicted, tried to get me fined by the city, called in on me at work, tried to make me out to be a racist and tried to impersonate me in a letter to get me fired. I have all the letters and work report. What are my legal options? I know my work is investigating, but what am I able to do as in perusing a legal case me vs. the neighbor?
Mr. Bus Driver (They used my real legal name)

Now I don't recall ever writing this lovely letter but multiple copies of this letter were sent to the head officials at my company causing the letter to get back to me through supervision along with an investigation. Well I knew right away where to start my own investigation. Grabbed the neighbor letters and compared. I immediately saw the similarities. Same paper, same font, same use of the phrase "This ain't right" from the passenger complaint. The handwriting on the envelopes sent to the officials at my work was an exact match to the handwriting on the envelopes from the letters the neighbor sent us. So it's obvious who tried to get me evicted, tried to get me fined by the city, called in on me at work, tried to make me out to be a racist and tried to impersonate me in a letter to get me fired. I have all the letters and work report. What are my legal options? I know my work is investigating, but what am I able to do as in perusing a legal case me vs. the neighbor?

That was far too lengthy for me to read in its entirety.
I suggest you consult several attorneys in your county to discuss what concerns and issues you have.
This is far too complicated for an online message board and/or discussion forum.
You should consider speaking with an attorney. Tell him what you have and let him advise you if you have a case at all. I don't see anything that leaps out at me, but, maybe ...

Keep in mind that it might cost you a lot of money to sue him, and without any tangible damages, it's likely not worthwhile.
Not really looking for a payday. Just some justice. If he is willing to go that far I want him in trouble.

That "trouble" may cost you far more than he might ever be liable to pay. But, an attorney might be able to identify a pattern of harassment that he can use as grounds for a suit. Keep in mind that lawsuits are about money - they cost money to try and get money, so, you'll have to interview attorneys and weigh your options.
Without actual damages, which you do not appear to have, you might end up spending a whole lot of money for very little return.
It's a shame what the neighbor is doing but, based on what you posted, you probably don't have much of a case. However, as suggested, you might want to talk to an attorney or two.
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