need legal advice


New Member
I was dining with 2 friends at a very popular Mexican restaurant in Pasadena,California. They were starting to close and one of the servers befriended us and invited us to their lounge after hours. Where there were several men drinking and listening to music. The lounge was at the restaurant. Small talk and listening to music turned into a false accusation from one of the younger guys towards the male friend if hours. He accused him of stealing his phone. I proceeded to questioning why he would think he stole his phone then a few employees got defensive, the younger one was launching himself at me as if he wanted to hit me. I'm a female. We left and some employees apologized to us but told us that weird things like that usually happen with that group. They texted one of us making us aware that they found the phone and apologized. My question is why a big establishment would allow employees to hang out and drink after hours. They falsely accused their customers and got violent with them. It was uncalled for and humiliating and thankfully someone didn't get hurt. Can I sue the establishment for this?
Sure you can sue anyone you can serve.

The bigger issue is proving your assertions, and your damages you suffered to secure a judgment.

That's easier than collecting a dime of any judgment you might receive.
Back when I was young, and dumb, I was a bartender. We often had "parties" at the bar after-hours. Let me tell you, nothing good ever comes from such a situation; that is for certain, just as certain as you'll never see one red cent from your intended suit. You weren't harmed, you aren't out of any money; you got free drinks and some hurt feelings. Move on.