My sons mother has cut off comunication with him.

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New Member
I made a post on 7/22/2008 about "Affidavit of Preference". My son of 14 wants to come and live with me, so we filed the modification along with the affidavit. She was served 7/16/2008 and called and talked to our son. He told her that he truly wanted to come and live at my house. We had a "verbal" agreement that she would not contest and I would not seek child support(I know she is under a financial hardship anyway) and that I would carry the medical ins. I talked to her on 7/17/2008 and she had a list of other things she wanted put in the papers as well. She made a comment about trying to get an attorney and hung up.
My son has been trying to get a hold of his mother for 11 days now and has had no success. She won't respond to his e-mail or return his phone calls. I know we are in the 20 day waiting period for her to answer.

Can she get extra time to file an answer if she cannot get an attorney?
I feel she is trying to drag this out since he is suppose to return 8/17/2008.

If she continues to ignore him will that hurt her in court?

Should I be conserned about her mental state?(seeing she is not comunicating with him)

I would appreciate any input. Thank you.
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