My situation Can anyone help me PLEASE...

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I have this case where I was married before and my x-wife became pregnant, well of course I thought the child was mine. We divorced however before the child was born. I felt she had cheated on me, so I told her I was unhappy with our marriage. I came home from work that week to find all of my stuff to be gone, as well as hers. The whole house was empty. She emptied it in a day while I was working. Well, I called her and she said in order to get my stuff I would have to come sign divorce papers at her attorneys office. So when the time came I did. She knew that I could not afford an attorney, her family could. Well I signed the papers without understanding what they really said because I had a problem understanding what they said. All I knew is that I had to start paying her lawyer money which I did for what I thought was for the starting of child support. After a little while I moved to Ky. not knowing I was not allowed to leave state, no one ever told me since I never went to court. My x-wife knew where I moved because after all I did think the child might still be mine. I was told I would know when the baby was born, I wasn't. I was also told I was given visitation rights, I have never seen my so called daughter. Not even a picture. I have been told by one of her family members that my x-wife is getting re-married to a guy whom has the same last name as the baby, and as me, but is no relation to me, but has relation to the baby, her father. See, I was put on the birth certificate by my x-wife without my concent, or knowledge. All I know is what I am told. My x-wife, I have been told is getting married to this guy as well next year as I am told as well. When I was re-married my x-wife became furious, thus putting abandoment charges on me,I had two officers come to my door and arrest me for abandoment of a minor child. This minor child was the baby I did not ever even have any contact with, but had been paying child support to. I have called everyone I know to try to get a paternity test to see if this child is mine, I've even ask for visitation from her, from child support, anyone I know to call, all I ever get from her is "over my dead body, you'll never see this child as long as you live!"; all I ever get from child support is "we can't help you, you'll need to get a lawyer." Well, I am on probation for the "abandoment" charge, and I have to pay "back child support" because they said the money that was paid to her lawyer was unaccounted for to the child support office. I feel I have just got the really bad end of the deal here. I pay around $1000.00 a month for a child I am not sure is even mine, plus a child if is mine, I don't even see, ever. I would just like some help on what to do. I am at my ends wit. If there is anything you can do, please let me know, I would greatly appreciate it. So would my wife.
Thanks for your time,
Kenny Puckett :(
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