My neighbors tree is trying to kill me.

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New Member
The property next to mine is a bank foreclosed property that has been vacant for over a year. The very large tree at the rear of this property is dying and about every three months causes about $2000 of damage to my property with falling limbs. My fence has been rebuilt twice, my garage was crushed with my car inside, windows broken, power lines downed leaving me without electricity for days (losing contents in my fridge), phone lines ripped from the house with such force that my siding was dented, data lines downed, thousands of dollars of tree removal fees, etc...

There is still a significant portion of the tree remaining as well as 2 large branches that have already broken, but are caught in the crowns of neighboring trees (hanging over my fence).

The city will not remove it. The utility companies will not remove it. The tree removal service says it needs to be taken down completely but won't remove it because I cannot authorize to have someone else's tree cut down. There is no homeowner to remove the rest of the tree before it kills me (see Poltergeist).

I understand this to be a civil suit but am not sure who I am suing. This property is a Chase Foreclosed property. Help?
okay, so on the form where it says name, address and phone number--

how do you address it for Chase Bank?

Let's assume you win and get a judgment against Chase.

How will you collect.

This may be worth it to go to a lawyer who can make sure it is done right and MAYBE get a lien on the place.
Go to the courthouse.

When you are in the courthouse, go to the office of the person who collects taxes on real estate.

When you are in the courthouse in the office of the person who collects taxes on real estate, ask whoever what address they use to send the tax bill to.
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