My dughter needs help not punished

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New Member
My daughter started having problems at age 12; she is 17 now. She has a history of running away and drug use. She has been put into several lockdown facilities (some court ordered). She did not do well at the last facility that was not a lock down. She has extreme highs and extreme lows (fits bi-polar) and does not seem to have a concept of consequences or of the future. She asked the last facility to take her to a mental institution several times (big steps for her). The last time was last Friday after a hearing with the judge. He ordered her to go to a more structured (lock-down) facility when they have a bed open.
While at the mental institute she was not allowed to talk to her father and I. She had acted out and was put into restraints and isolation all weekend. She said she would kill herself before she went back to a lockdown facility. The last time they restrained her, yesterday, she hung herself. We were not told until we called during structureded calling hours
(7:00 PM). They told us she is ok but that she was blue when they found her around 2PM and it took three or four of them to get the restraints and cord she got from her gown out from around her neck. They said she hit her head when she fell unconscience and they did a CT scan on her. They said she was fine but they refused to give her therapist from the last facility the results. The state of WV has custody of my daughter (DHHR told us "so the state could pay" for this last facility $5100 a month).
My daughter has a mental problem and the propation officer and assistant procecuting attorney just rolled their eyes when I said she has a problem and she needs help not punished. I want my daughter back and alive.
I don't know if you can help me, my husband and I tried to contact lawyers we know personally last night. I just hate sitting on my hands and feeling this pain. My daughter is a bright and carring young lady. She has made wrong choices but I still feel she was trying to medicate herself and crying for help.
She has made so much progress (it seems too small for the courts to see, like admitting she has a problem and taking responsiblity (telling the trueth)). She just can not get through the punishment they are giving her. She needs help. I know how bad her father and I have hurt through all of this, I can't even imagine her pain.
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